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Results for Virginia Show 2023
Show Results
Continental Bullock - any age
Cattle ➤ Commercial Cattle ➤ CONTINENTAL OPEN - MALE (BEEF)
Results for
1: Non-throughbred Brood Mare with Foal at Foot or with Stallion Owner's Certificate showing the Mare is covered.
2: Best placed 3 Mares and Foals to be judged as a pair.
3: Best non-thoroughbred Colt Foal produce of Mare shown in Class 1.
5: Registered Irish Draught Mare or AID Reg. Mare with Foal at Foot or with Stallion Owner's Certificate showing the Mare is covered. R.I.D. Number must be also shown on entry form.
6: Irish Draught Filly Foal produce of Mare in Class 5
8: Champion Brood Mare
9: Champion Foal
10: Non-thoroughbred Gelding or Filly 1 year old
11: Non-thoroughbred Gelding or Filly, 2 years old.
12: Non-thoroughbred Gelding or Filly, 3 year-old.
13: General Purpose Cob 15.1h and under - Light type.
14: General Purpose Cob 15.1h and over - Light type.
15: Champion Light Horse
16: Best Coloured Entry, 15.1h and under, to be led.
17: Best Coloured Entry, 15.1h and over, to be led
18: Filly or Gelding, over 14.2h (148cm) and under 15.2h (158cm).
19: Filly or Gelding, to be shown under saddle, 15.2h and over.
20: Best Filly or Gelding Cob
21: Ridden Champion of the Show
22: Brood Mare in Foal or Foal at Foot, 15h or over.
24: One, Two or Three year-old Gelding or Filly (Heavy or Hairy Leg).
25: Gelding or Filly 4 years-old or over (Heavy or Hairy Leg).
26: Irish Cob 15.1h and under, Heavy type.
27: Champion Heavy Horse
28: Palomino Horse or Pony any age any sex to be shown in-hand.
29: Riding Class for ponies 4 years old and over, not excedding 128cms.
30: Riding Class for ponies 4 years old and over, exceeding 128cms, but not exceeding 138cms
31: Riding Class for ponies 4 years old and over, exceeding 138cms, but not exceeding 148cms
32: Lead Rein Class for ponies 4 years old and over not exceeding 12.0h high.
33: Best local pony within 10 miles radius of Virginia
34: Best turned-out pony and rider
35: Open Championship Class.
36: Young handler Class for under 12's.
37: Ponies 13.2(138cms) and under.
38: Ponies over 13.2h (138cms) and not exceeding 14.2 (148cms).
39: Show Pony Brood mare.
40: Best Foal, progeny of Mare in Class 39.
41: Pony Colt, Gelding or Filly, 1 year old, not exceeding 148cms
42: Pony Gelding or Filly, 2 or 3 year old, not exceeding 148cms
43: Best local pony within 10 miles radius of Virginia
44: Pony under 14.2h (148cms) that has won no prize at this years show.
45: Registered Welsh Pony any age, any sex to be shown in-hand
46: Connemara Reg Brood Mare with foal at foot or Stallion Owner's Certificate showing the Mare is covered.
47: Best Colt or Filly foal, progeny of a registered Connemara mare shown in above class.
48: Best Connemara Pony, Mare or Gelding up to and including 3 year old - to be led.
49: Best Connemara Pony, Mare or Gelding 4 year old and upwards.
50: Champion Connemara
51: In-Hand Champion - to be led by an adult.
52: Shetland Pony Gelding, Mare or Filly with height limit of 42" to be ridden by a child.
53: Shetland Pony Gelding, Mare or Filly with height limit of 42".
54: Mare with or without foal at foot, 38" and Under
55: Gelding or Filly, 2 year old and upwards
56: Champion Miniature Horse
58: Donkey, mare with or withour Foal at foot
59: Donkey foal, produce of mare shown in Class 58
60: Donkey gelding any age.
61: Champion Donkey.
62: Open to YMA members aged 12 years and under on January 1st 2023
63: Open to YMA members - 13 to 16 years on 1st of January 2023
64: Open to YMA members aged 17-26 years on January 1st 2023
65: Dairy Heifer born in 2023 any breed, Friesans excluded
69: Champion: Any Dairy Breed - excluding Fresians
70: Holstein Friesian born after 1.1.2023
71: Dairy calf heifer born between 1.7.2022 and 31.12.2022
73: Tirlán Champion In-Calf Holstein Heifer
74: Pair of Junior Dairy Females from one Herd
75: Champion Junior Holstein Friesian
77: Holstein Friesian Junior Cow in Milk, calved no more than 3 times
81: Champion Senior Holstein Friesian.
82: Best Udder of the Show
83: Inter-Breed Dairy Champion
137: Univet Ireland and Virginia Show Commercial Heifer Champion
84: Novice Young Stockperson
85: Young Stockperson
86: Non-pedigree Heifer, to make Suckler Cow
87: Best Commercial Calf, one year old and under
88: Non-pedigree beef Heifer, under 320kgs
89: Non-pedigree Baby beef heifer, no permanent teeth on Show Day
90: Department of Agriculture Breeder's Choice - Continental 4* OR 5* Breeding Heifer
91: Non-pedigree Heifer, any age
92: Non-continental Baby Beef Bullock or Heifer with no permanent teeth on Show Day.
93: Male animal, under 400kgs
94: Baby Beef Bullcok, no permanent teeth on Show Day
95: Continental Bullock - any age
96: Shorthorn Heifer - Any age
97: Pure-bred Hereford Bull
98: Pure-bred Hereford Cow or Heifer
99: Pure-Bred Hereford Bull or Heifer Calf
100: Champion Hereford
101: Pure-Bred Angus Cow in Calf, or Milk
102: Pedigree Angus Heifer born between 01.09.2021 and 31.08.2022
103: Pedigree Angus Heifer born on, or after, 01.09.2022
104: Pedigree Angus Bull born on, or after, 01.09.2022
105: Virginia Show Angus Champion
106: Charolais Autumn born male calf
107: Charolais Autumn born female calf
108: Charolais Spring born Male Calf born in 2023
109: Charolais Spring born Female Calf born in 2023
110: North-Eastern Charolais Club Calf Champion and Reserve
111: Charolais Cow, or Heifer, in Calf or Calf at foot
112: Charolais Female born before 01.09.2022
113: Charolais Bull - under 2yrs old on 1st September 2023
114: Pair of Charolais calves born after 01.09.2022
115: Overall Charolais Champion
116: Pedigree Limousin Bull
117: Pedigree Limousin Cow or Senior Heifer
118: Pedigree Limousin Heifer
119: Best Limousin male calf Born between 01.09.2022 and 31.12.2022
120: Best Limousin bull calf born in 2023
121: Champion North-Eastern Male Calf 2023
122: Best Limousin female calf born between 01.09.2022 and 31.12.2022
123: Best Limousin female calf born in 2023
124: Champion North-Eastern Female Calf 2023
125: North-Eastern Limousin Champion Calf 2023
126: Overall Limousin Champion and Reserve Limousin Champion of Virginia Show
127: Mega Moo Pedigree Heifer
128: Mega Moo Cross-bred Heifer
130: Pedigree Simmental Cow in-calf, Heifer or Senior Bull
131: Pedigree Simmental Heifer born between 01.08.2021 and 31.07.2022
133: Overall Simmental Champion
134: Belgian Blue Male or Female, any age
135: Commercial Champion
136: Interbreed Champion
138: Carnaross Mart All Ireland Male Weanling Championship
139: Carnaross Mart All Ireland Female Weanling Championship
140: Super Beef Bullocks
142: Pet Lamb
141: Young Stockperson
141b: Young Stocksperson
143: Registered Suffolk Ewe, 1 year and upwards
144: Registered Suffolk Ram, 1 year and upwards
145: Registered Suffolk Ewe Lamb
146: Registered Suffolk Ram Lamb
147: Champion Suffolk
148: Pedigree Texel aged Ram
149: Pedigree Texel aged Ewe
150: Pedigree Texel Shearling Ram
151: Pedigree Texel Shearling Ewe
152: Pedigree Texel Ewe Lamb
153: Pedigree Texel Ram Lamb
154: Champion PedigreeTexel
155: Pedigree Shearling Ram and upwards
156: Pedigree Shearling Ewe and upwards
157: Pedigree Ram Lamb
158: Pedigree Ewe Lamb
159: Champion Charollais
160: Pedigree Ram, 1 year old and upwards
161: Pedigree Ram Lamb
162: Pedigree Ewe, 1 year old and upwards
163: Pedigree Ewe Lamb
164: Champion Vendeen
165: Blue Texel Pedigree Ewe, 1 year old and upwards
166: Blue Texel Pedigree Ewe Lamb
167: Blue Texel Pedigree Ram, Shearling and upwards
168: Blue Texel Pedigree Ram Lamb
169: Best Pair of Blue Texel/Dassenkop sheep
170: Champion Blue Texel
166a: Dassenkop Ewe Lamb
167a: Dassenkop Pedigree Ram Lamb
171: Pedigree Ram, 1 year old and upwards
172: Pedigree Ewe, 1 year old and upwards
173: Pedigree Ram Lamb
174: Pedigree Ewe Lamb
175: Champion From Classes 171-174
176: Pedigree Sheep Pairs of the Show.
177: Ram, any breed 1yrs old and upwards, other than registered.
178: Suffolk Cross Breeding Ewe Aged
179: Suffolk Cross Hogget Ewe
180: Breeding Ewe, other than Suffolk cross Aged
181: Hogget Ewe, other than Suffolk Cross
182: Cross Bred suckled Hogget Ewe
183: Suffolk Cross ewe lamb, suitable for breeding
184: Ewe lamb other than Suffolk Cross, suitable for breeding
185: Pair of Store lambs under 40kgs
186: Pair of French lambs suitable for the French market (47kgs max. live weight)
187: Butchers Lamb Ram Lambs Excluded. 55kgs max weight.
188: Jacob Female - any age
189: Jacob Ram - any age
190: Champion Cross Breed. Open to 1st prize winners from Class 177-189.
191: Best Pedigree Flock, Ram and Two Ewes.
192: Best Commercial Flock, Ram and Two Ewes.
193: Female Goat in milk, any age
194: Female Kid, under 1yr.
195: Male Kid, under 1yr.
196: Female Goatling between 1 and 2 yrs
197: Champion Goat.
199: The All-Ireland Soft Feather: Heavy Breeding Pair Chicken Championship - Qualifier
198: All Ireland True and Rare True Bantam Breeding Pair Chicken Championship Final Qualifier
200: Large Fowl Light - Male/Female
201: Large Fowl Heavy - Male/Female
202: Bantam Fowl Light - Male/Female
203: Bantam Fowl Heavy - Male/Female
204: True Bantam Male
205: True Bantam Female
207: Bantam Hard Feather Male/Female
208: Rare Breed Male/Female
209: Bantam Waterfowl Male/Female
210: Large Waterfowl Male/Female
211: Goose/Gander
212: 2 Laying Hens
213: Pair or Trio Any Variety
214: Best Utility/Free Range Pullet
215: Champion Bird of the Show
216: 3 Large hen eggs any colour (all 3 must be of the same colour)
217: 3 Bantam hen eggs of any colour (but all 3 must be of the same colour)
218: 3 Waterfowl eggs of any colour (but all 3 must be of the same colour)
219: 3 eggs of any other variety, mixed colours.
220: 5 eggs any variety, mixed colours
221: 3 Ducks eggs
222: The Best Overall Display of Eggs
223: "A Kitchen Garden" Competition
224: The Quality Onion All Ireland Championship Final
225: Three Swedes
227: Three Stump carrots
228: Three Parsnips
229: Three Onions (seed)
230: Three Onions Large (sets)
231: Three Onions Red
232: Three Onions Medium (sets)
233: Six Shallots (Red)
234: Six Pods of Broad Beans
235: Six Pods of Runner Beans
236: Two Heads of Caulflower
237: Two Heads of Lettuce - Butterhead Type
238: Two Courgettes
239: Six Pods of Garden Peas
240: Two Heads of Cabbage - Ball Head Type
241: Three Culinary Herbs; three stems of each.
242: Six stems of Parsley in a jar
243: One Vegetable Marrow
244: Collection of Six Vegetables - any number of each
245: Two Cucumbers
246: Three Globe Beetroot
247: Basket of fresh salad ingredients
249: Sheaf of Oats
250: Half-pound Sample of Feeding Barley (green).
252: Six sods of Turf
253: Half Bale of Hay
254: Best Quality Grazing Grass
255: Best Quality Grazing Grass and Clover Sward
256: Sheaf of Maize - 4 stems
257: Five Tubers Potatoes (Golden Wonders)
258: Five Tubers Potatoes (Kerr Pinks)
259: Five Tubers Potatoes (British Queens)
260: Five Tubers Potatoes (Roosters)
261: Five Tubers Potatoes (Records)
262: Five Tubers Potatoes - any other variety, main crop
263: Five Tubers Potatoes - any other variety, earlies
264: Five Tubers, Round - suitable for seed.
265: Five Potaotes, Kidney, suitable for seed.
266: Five cooked potatoes, any variety.
267: Five Blight resistant potatoes, any variety
268: Fairy Garden
269: Five Tomatoes
270: Cherry Tomatoes on the Vine
271: Ten Blueberries
273: Five Dessert Apples
274: Five Cooking Apples
275: Flowering Shrubs, one variety, one vase
276: Collection of Flowering Shrubs, mixed variety, one vase
277: Hydrangea, any variety, 3 blooms, one vase
278: Hardy Herbaceous Flowers, one variety , one vase
279: Hardy Herbaceous Flowers, mixed variety, one vase
280: Annuals, one kind, one vase
281: Roses, Hybrid Tea - one bloom, one vase
282: Roses Floribunda - one stem, one vase
283: Sweet Pea, Mixed variety - six stems, one vase
284: Sweet Pea, One variety - six stems, one vase
285: Pansies - five blooms, one vase
286: Gladioli - one spike, one vase
287: Gladioli - one spike, one vase
288: Begonias, Double - three blooms, one stand
290: Pot Plant - Fuchsia, one pot
291: Pot plant, in flower - other than above
292: Pot plant - foliage only, one pot
293: Pot plant- Cactus/Succulent, one pot
294: Patio pot or window box
295: Dahilias, small - three blooms, may be mixed, one vase
296: Dahilias, minature - three blooms, one vase
297: Dahilias, small cactus and/or semi cactus. Three blooms, may be mixed, one vase
298: Dahlias, Pom pom - three blooms, one vase. May be mixed
299: Dahilias - may be mixed to a maximum of ten blooms, one vase
300: Dahilias, any size or variety - three blooms, one vase.
302: A vase of Wild Flowers
303: Arrangement for a buttonhole
304: Floral Wreath suitable to hang on a door for a celebration (Fresh Flowers and Foliage)
305: "Autumn Glory" - arrangement
306: "Candle Light" - arrangement in a candlestick.
307: "Fabulous Foliage" - arrangement of foliage
309: Arrangement using three flowers, any variety, suitable as a table centre piece
310: ICA Guild "Skills of the Year" Competition
311: A Trio of Summer Desserts
312: Home-made Novelty Cake
313: Home-made Sponge Cake- one layer only
314: Home-made Soda Cake
315: Home-made Current Cake, (Soda)
316: Home-made Spelt Bread
317: Home-made Boiled Fruit Cake
318: Home-made Fruit Cake
319: Home-made Tea Brack
320: Home-made Swiss Roll
321: Home-made Christmas Pudding
322: Home-made Madeira Cake
323: Four Afternoon Tea Scones
324: Home-made Apple Tart
325: Home-made Sponge Sandwich Cake
326: Home-made Cherry Cake
327: Home-made Chocolate Sandwich Cake - undecorated
328: Home-made Harvest Fruit Loaf
329: Four Home-made Shortbread Biscuits
330: Home-made Carrot Cake
331: Home-made Apple Cake
332: Four Home-made Muffins
333: Home-made Coffee Sandwich Cake- undecorated
334: Four Home-made Pancakes - plain
335: Home-made 9" Porter Cake
337: Four Home-made Plain Cupcakes - undecorated
338: Four Home-made Cupcakes - decorated
339: Four Home-made Biscuits - any variety other than Shortbread
340: Four Home-made Oatmeal Biscuits
341: Home-made Wheaten Cake
342: Home-made Boxty Cake
343: Home-made Savoury Bread
344: Home-made Potato Bread - 4 pieces
345: Home-made Oatmeal Bread
346: Pot of Jelly-other than Crab or Apple.
347: Pot of Jam - not classified
348: Pot of Gooseberry Jam
349: Pot of Blackcurrant Jam
350: Pot of Strawberry Jam
351: Pot of Rhubarb Jam or Rhubarb and Ginger Jam
352: Pot of Raspberry Jam
353: Pot of Marmalade
354: Pot of Plum Jam
355: Pot of Damson Jam
356: Pot of Mincemeat - 1lb
357: Pot of Chutney, any kind
358: 2 Jars of Light Honey - 340g, 454g
359: 2 Jars of Medium Honey. Heather excluded - 340g, 454g
361: 2 Containers of Cut Comb - 220g min. weight each
362: 2 Sections of Honey.
363: 1 Frame, suitable for extraction (presented in display case)
364: 1 Honey Cake
365: 1 Bottle of Mead (Sweet or Dry)
366: 1 Jar of Granulated Honey (340g, 454g jar)
367: 5 x 1oz wax blocks
368: 3 x Moulded Straight sided Beeswax Candles
369: 3 x Non-Moulded Dpped/Rolled Beeswax Candles
370: 3 x beeswax model eg Christmas tree, flower, etc
371: 12 Jars of Honey.
372: One Photograph
373: An interesting or instructive exhibit, or new invention relating to Bees.
375: Novice Class - 1 Jar of Light, Medium or Dark Honey (any size)
376: Best Overall Exhibit at the Show
377: Best Run Honey at the Show.
378: Best Novice Class at the Show
379: Knitted Article made from yarn
380: Ladies, or Gents, Hand-knitted Aran Jacket or Jumper
381: Ladies, or Gents, Hand-knitted Pullover, Cardigan or Jumper
382: Scarf knitted with Tivoli Whirl
383: Machine, or Hand-Knitted Beret, Gloves or Socks
384: Child's Matinee Coat
385: Best Apron
386: Most Attractive Cushion Cover
387: Piece of Embroidery - any size on coloured cotton.
388: Article worked in Cross Stitch
389: Article made from old material
390: Soft Toy - in Knitting or Crochet
391: Best Dressed Doll
392: Hand-made Cushion - any material
393: Piece of Crochet worked in Yarn
394: Piece of Crochet Lace worked in Thread (cotton)
395: Piece of Carrickmacross Lace
396: Patchwork item
397: Hand-woven, or Hand-made, Rug in yarn
398: Tapestry Picture
399: Tea Cosy
400: Dress, Skirt, or other sewing item, made by an amateur
401: Home-made Article (wooden), maximum size 2ftx2ft
402: Hand-made Decoupage Picture
403: Fancy Household Article
404: Item of inexpensive Handmade Jewellery
405: Tweed Picture
406: Item of Decorative Glass
407: Hand-made Card for a Special Occasion
408: Item to be made in a button craft - max size 12"x12"
409: Something new from something old
410: Best Specimen of handwriting - Open
411: Write an orginal short story entitled - A Day Out at the Show
412: Best Haiku written on any theme
413: Best Scenic View Photograph
414: Best Photograph of Virginia, any view, any venue
415: Best Photograph featuring Water
416: Best Holiday, or Travel, Photograph
417: Best Candid Snapshot
418: Best Colour Photograph
419: Best Agricultural/Rural Subject - Open
420: Best Photograph of farm animal(s)
421: Best Black and White Photograph
422: Best Baby/young child Photograph
423: Best Pet Photograph
424: Best Sporting/Action Photograph
425: Best Colour Portrait
426: Photograph with the wittiest caption
427: Best Photograph of Local Interest
428: Best Landscape Photograph
429: Best Photograph taken at Sunset
430: Best Photograph of Flower(s)
431: The Fleetwood Paints All Ireland Amateur Art Competition Final
432: Painting in any medium of The Irish Landscape, or Seascape
433: A Portrait - Open
434: Painting, in any medium, of an Agricultural Scene
435: Painting, in any medium, of a Still Life
436: Drawing, any theme
437: Painting - any medium
438: Crochet Item
439: Knitted Item
440: Painting - any medium
441: Knitted Item
442: Hand-made Card
443: Item made from Recycled materials
446: A Single Item made by a member. Max Size 12"x12"
447: Four Plain Cupcakes
448: Best Item in Playdough, Femo or Plaster
449: Arrangement of Wild Flowers
450: Hand-made Craft
C1: Face Painted on a Paper Plate
C2: Colouring Competition
C3: Arrangement of Wild Flowers in a Cup.
C4: Picture - can be done in crayon or paints.
C5: Necklace-made from fruit and/or vegetables.
C6: Design a poster to promote "Anyone could be a farmer"
C7: Best Decorated Wooden Spoon
C8: The following piece to be written in ordinary script.
C9: Four Home-made Cupcakes
C10: Best and Most imaginative item made from Lego
C11: Arrangement of Leaves in a jam jar
C12: Drawing, any theme
C13: Best Decorated Egg (Hard Boiled)
C14: Best Decorated Hat. Create and Design a Hat to celebrate 80 years of Virginia Show.
C15: Painting - any subject, any medium
C16: Item made from Lollipop Sticks or Matches
C17: The following piece to be written in ordinary script.
C18: Four Home-made Cupcakes - Decorated
C19: Design a Poster. Theme - "Farming is the Environment's Friend"
C20: Best and Most imaginative item made from Lego
C21: Painting - any medium
C22: Design a Poster to promote farming as a way of life suitable for everyone
C23: Best Haiku written on any theme. May be displayed on a page with original hand-drawn or hand-crafted work.
C24: Best picture made from Buttons
D1: The Gain All-Ireland Championship
D2: The All-Ireland Gun Dog Championship
D3: The All-Ireland Irish Native Breed Championship
D4: Best Fancy Dress Dog
D5: Best Terrier, any variety
D6: Best Working/Utility Dog, any variety
D7: Best Toy Breed, any variety
D8: Any breed dog, handled by a lady
D9: Any breed dog, handled by a gentleman
D10: Any breed confined to the Virginia area
D11: Best Groomed Dog, any variety
D12: Any breed, handled by a child under 12
D13: Any breed puppy 6-12 months on day of Show
D14: Best Gundog, any variety
Entry No:
Aisling Burke, Co.Limerick
Animal Name:
Entry No:
Oliver & Jason Stanley, Co.Meath
Animal Name: