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81: Qualifier - Irish Shorthorn Society Youth Development Programme.

Cattle ➤ Commercial Cattle ➤ YOUNG STOCKSPERSON Wed 21st Aug 2024
  • Open to all handlers under 17years handling any beef breed animal.
  • Participation in the qualifier class guarantees qualification for Finals where handlers will lead Shorthorn animals in Final.
Cattle - Opening Notes

(NOTE: Rule 20 applies all the way through except where stated.)

Unless animals are entered in the Catalogue and a signed entry form, they will not be allowed in the Show.

The Irish Shows Association would advise all Animal owners who have their Animals Insured to have the Insurance cover extended to cover them while showing animals at Shows. We understand that it cost very little or nothing at all depending on whom you have Insurance cover with.

All correct & appropriate numbers must be attached to animals before Judging;  if not, No Prize Money will be awarded.

Animal Health Status 

  1. All animals must come from herds that are not restricted and have had a clear herd test within the previous twelve months.  Animals over 6 weeks of age must have a T.B. test within 12 calendar months of the date of the Show.
  2. All animals must bear a double approved ear tag.
  3. Exhibitors of cattle are required to obtain a Certificate of Compliance prior to the movement of an animal to a Show. Certificates of Compliance can be obtained online from the Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) system through the facility or from the Cattle Movement Notification Agency. When applying for a Certificate of Compliance, keepers should not specify a destination herd. On the day of the Show, the Certificate of Compliance should be presented to the Show Secretary. The Keeper and the Show Secretary will then sign the Movement Notification section of the Certificate which will then be sent to the local DVO for recording onto the AIM system. Please note that only cattle for which a valid Certificate of Compliance is provided to the Show Secretary will be allowed to be shown on the day of the Show.
  4. The keeper of cattle coming from the North of Ireland to Shows should contact the relevant authorities in Northern Ireland and the show contact their local DVO for guidelines further guidelines available on request.

Animals in classes where weight applies must be weighed before 10.30am and any animal found to be over the weight for a class can then be entered into a higher weight class. Only 1 weighing per animal on the day.


  • Animals must be of the Beef Type - under 450kgs.
  • Open to all children who have reached the age of 12 years on 1st January 2024, but have not yet reached 16 by that date.
  • Qualifier for Irish Shorthorn Society All Ireland Youth Development Programme.
  • Finals to take place at Elphin Show 31st August.
Entry Fee:  
Wed, 21st Aug, 2024
Prizes:   1st - €50.00 , 2nd - €30.00 , 3rd - €20.00

Kindly Sponsored by The Irish Shorthorn Society.

Class is currently closed for entry.