Unless animals are entered in the Catalogue and on a signed entry form, they will not be allowed in the Show.
Important notice to Animal Owners who are involved in Showing their animals
The Irish Shows Association would advise all Animal owners who have their Animals Insured to have the Insurance cover extended to cover them while showing animals at Shows. We understand that it can cost very little or nothing at all depending on whom you have Insurance cover with. If you are one of the few who don’t have cover, we would advise that you think about putting it in place for this purpose it may be well worthwhile. The reason for us giving this advice is to protect yourself in the event of your animal lashing out and injuring someone or damaging someone’s property, if that were to happen and it is established that your animal was out of your control you may be held responsible, or partly responsible for any injury or damage caused and end up paying all or part of any settlement reached.
Specific Requirements - Sheep
Identification: All sheep must be individually identified with plastic ear tags issued on accordance with the requirements of the National Sheep Identification System (NSIS).
Movement Documentation: All consignments of sheep being moved must be accompanied by the completed dispatch document. Individual details of each sheep in the consignment must be recorded.
Flock Register: All movements of sheep to and from shows must be recorded in your flock register. Use event code “S”.
Exports (to Member States of the European Union including Northern Ireland)
All sheep must be accompanied by certification a laid down in Directive 91/68/EEC as amended. Organisers are advised to contact their Local District Veterinary Office well in advance of any show where sales may take place to determine the suitability of the show for exports (e.g., premises and sheep status), availability of veterinary staff for export certification and to have the necessary arrangements out in place.
Attendance of sheep from scrapie monitored flocks at shows and sales
Shows between 1st May and 31st October.
Sheep from scrapie monitored flocks will be permitted to attend agricultural shows taking place between May 1st and October 31st without restriction or separation from other categories of sheep.
Shows outside that period
For shows taking place before May 1st or after October 31st, sheep from scrapie monitored or probationary flocks must be separated from other sheep as follows:
1. There must be complete separation of monitored/probationary sheep from other categories of sheep at the show. Ideally, this would mean a separate entrance and exit for each group, separate loading and unloading areas, separate penning areas for each of the two groups.
2. In locations where all of the above may not be possible, the minimum requirement would be the separate loading and unloading and also of penning areas. The two areas should be separated by a sheep-free alleyway, at least 12 feet wide. If only one show ring is available, the sheep from the scrapie-monitored flocks must be shown first.
The ‘Patrick Keoghan Cup’ and €75 will be presented to the Champion Pedigree Sheep at the Show and €50 to the Reserve Champion.
The ‘Hugh Faulkner Cup will be presented to the Champion Cross-Bred Sheep at the Show. Kindly presented by the Faulkner family in memory of the late Hugh Faulkner. The Champion will also receive Univet Vouchers.
Entry Fee in all Sheep Classes- €8 unless otherwise stated.
Prizes: 1st - €60; 2nd - €40; 3rd - €30.
Vouchers may be awarded in lieu of money in any class.
The Champions of each breed will receive a Univet voucher.
Vouchers may be awarded in lieu of cash in any Class.
No entries permitted on day of event.