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25: Foal (Colt or Filly) produce of Mare shown in Class 24.

Horses & Ponies ➤ Horses ➤ Heavy Horses Wed 21st Aug 2024
Horses & Ponies - Opening Notes



NOTE: Rule 20 applies all the way through except where stated..


Unless animals are entered in the Catalogue and on a signed entry form, they will not be allowed in the Show.


Important notice to Animal Owners who are involved in Showing their animals:

The Irish Shows Association would advise all Animal owners who have their Animals Insured to have the Insurance cover extended to cover them while showing animals at Shows. We understand that it cost very little or nothing at all depending on whom you have Insurance cover with. The reason for us giving this advice is to protect yourself in the event of your animal lashing out and injuring someone or damaging someone’s property. If that were to happen and it is established that your animal was out of your control you may be held responsible, or partly responsible for any injury or damage caused and end up paying all or part of any settlement reached.

All foals must be haltered and led by an adult on their own I.H.R. Number, name of sire and dam must appear on Entry Form.

Equine Identification

All Equines (which include horses, ponies and donkeys) must be identified in accordance with EU and national legislation. Possession of an unidentified equine is an offence under the legislation. Passport must be issued by approved Passport Issuing Organisations [PIOs] within the calendar year of birth (by 31 December in the year of birth) or within six months of birth (whichever is later) and is valid for the lifetime of the animal. Microchip - all equines issued with a passport after 1st - July 2009 must have a corresponding microchip implanted by a veterinarian which is recorded in the passport and creates a link between the passport and the animal.

A Keeper must:

Have an equine registered with a PIO.

Have a passport issued in accordance with EU and national legislation.

Comply with the provisions of the legislation whereby a passport must accompany the equine whenever it is moved to events such as shows, sales and to slaughter plants, etc.


No entries permitted on day of event.

Entry Fee:  
Prizes:   1st - €80.00 , 2nd - €50.00 , 3rd - €30.00
Class is currently closed for entry.